Heterochromia is the term used to describe a difference in a person's eye color. Someone with central heterochromia has different colors within the same eye. Complete heterochromia is when they have two different colored eyes.
Heterochromia of the eye is caused by variations in the concentration and distribution of melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes.
The word "heterochromia" is derived from ancient Greek where "heteros" means different and "chroma" means color. The condition is also known as heterochromia iridis or heterochromia iridum.
The Madagascans had cultural values based on family.
The answer “The Madagascans had religious beliefs based on the land” is not correct, because while land does play the role in "A Madagascan Myth”, the myth does not tell the story of the land.
<u> The answer “The Madagascans had cultural values based on family.” is correct. </u><u>In the myth, God Ndriananahary creates the Sun to find and </u><u>help his son</u><u> on the earth. Therefore, we can see how much he </u><u>cared for the family</u><u>. Additionally, the myth mentions the </u><u>importance of ancestors and their spirits on earth. For people, dead spirits of the family are important to guide and protect them, Therefore, the family values are important in order to have a good life and happiness, and the love and care for the family can bring great things. </u>
The answer “The Madagascans had religious beliefs based on the sun” is not true. The myth does talk about the creation of the sun, but it does not say the belief system is based upon it.
The answer “The Madagascans had cultural values based on safety.” is not correct. While safety is important in the myth (safety of Ndriananahary’s sons and safety of people protected by ancestors), it is the part of the belief and the need of the people, while cultural and religious values lie in the family values. Therefore, it can be concluded that family is important to have safety, which puts the core of the cultural value in the concept of family.