Option b"outputData.out");
In C++, there are several classes given to handle output and input of characters to or from files. They are:
- ofstream that write on files
- ifstream that read from files
We can use an object of ofstream to hold the contents that we wish to output to an external file. The general syntax is as follows:
This will create a file with a specific file name and it possesses all the contents from the obstream_obj.
Since the question expect us to declare a C-string, the solution code is written in C as follows:
- char ssn[9];
- scanf("%s",ssn);
A C-String is a string written in C language. It is an array of characters. To declare a C-string, we use the keyword, <em>char </em>and then followed with the variable name + brackets and the number of characters in the string. For example, we can create a C-String for the SSN number as in Line 1.
To read standard input into the array, we can use C built-in function, <em>scanf(). </em>Just include a string placeholder, %s, and the variable<em> ssn </em>as arguments to <em>scanf()</em>. This will assign the string input by user to variable <em>ssn</em> as C-String.
Fog computing
Fog computing or fogging is an decentralized architecture that resides between the cloud and the data source. Fog brings the cloud closer to the data source, that is, it brings resource exploitation, security polices and operational cost closer to the data source.
In our scenario, with fogging in place, the generated sensor data will be preprocessed closer to the local site. The data will preprocessed faster and the quality of the processed data will be greatly increased.
Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer