Thomas Paine wrote and published a book in 1776, called "Common Sense", which inspired American colonists to declare independence from England.
Japan invaded Manchuria.
They did this because Manchuria was poorly defended and had many resources.
It had living space for their surplus population and Manchuria had enough raw materials, food and other goods that would make Japan self-sufficient.
There are plenty of example I could use. The Civil Rights Movement, the Stonewall Riots of 1969, the Woman's Suffrage Movement, the Catholic conversion of the Pagans, etc etc.
The most recent is the Abortion laws passed in southern states like Alabama and Texas where it was made illegal for a woman to have an abortion for any reason.
It was in 2020 - 2021, the effects caused marches, protests, some riots.
Many of them adopted the religion of the Great Awakening, Protestantism.
This religion gave hope to many of the slaves that there was something better after their horrible life enduring pain and suffering at the hands of their slave masters.