Because within the prokaryotic domain, there are five main groups of bacteria that perform tetrapyrrole-based photosynthesis. They are proteobacteria (also known as purple bacteria), heliobacteria, Chloroflexi (filamentous bacteria also known as green non-sulfur bacteria), Chlorobi (green sulfur bacteria), and cyanobacteria.
C) Reflects the light from the sun
Moon does not emit its own light. The moonlight is primarily the sunlight that is being reflected form the surface of moon. The moon is actually quite black so only a little amount of sunlight is reflected back.
We see colour due to the presence of cones in our retina. When we look at the moon, the light coming from moon does not have enough intensity to excite or cone cells and thus only rod cell are get excited. As the rods can't sense colours so the moon appears white.
B) Smooth ER
mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
golgi apparatus is the transportation of the cell
centrioles help with cell division
Number of colonies on plate = 40
Amount of DNA used for transformation = 100ng
Volume of competent cells used = 100ul
Total volume = 1ml (1000ul)
Volume plated for growth = 200ul
The amount of cells transformed per 1 µg of DNA is called the transformation efficiency
(CFU is colony forming units) => (number of colonies on plate/ng of DNA plated) X 1000 ng/µg = CFU/µg of DNA
Amount of DNA used for plating = 100ng * (200/1000)
= 100ng * (1/5)
= 100/5 = 20ng
Efficiency calculation = 40 colonies / 20ng = 2 colonies/ng
(2 colonies/ng) * (1000 ng/µg) = 2000 CFU/ug DNA
Transformation efficiency = 2000 Transformants / ug DNA
= 2 x 10³ Transformants / ug DNA
Efficiency of transformation is highest in the 100 pg-1 ng range, so Low transformation efficiency could be because of high amount of DNA used for transformation.
there gonna freese and the animals are gonna be hibernating