Due to their monsoon climate many citizens would probably be effected by flash floods, heavy rains, and strong wind.
El sistema social dominante en la Europa medieval, en el que la nobleza poseía tierras de la corona a cambio del servicio militar, y los vasallos eran a su vez principios de los nobles, mientras que los campesinos estaban obligados a vivir en la tierra de su Señor y rendirle homenaje, trabajo. y una parte del producto, teóricamente a cambio de protección militar.
Espero que esto ayude a marcar el MÁS CEREBRAL !!!
Fidel Castro used the failed 1961 invasion of Cuba as an excuse to get more military equipment from the Soviet Union. This provided the basis for the next diplomatic crisis with Cuba, which was called the C. Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Cuban Missile Crisis revolved around the Soviet supplying of nuclear missiles to Cuba, only 90 miles from Florida. Kennedy squared off against Khrushchev and ultimately struck a deal with the Soviet leader at the eleventh hour: the Soviet Union would withdraw their missiles from Cuba and the United States would withdraw their missiles from Turkey. <span />
B. France retained control of India