By drawing something, an early human could make another human remember something. Various forms of drawing, painting, and other visual depictions almost certainly facilitated communication and education among early humans. That much seems rather obvious.
Answer: Artwork from this time showed the beauty of the world and the power of King Louis XIV reign.
For the critical analysis scaffold I think you need to pick an artwork and evaluate the success of it, then interpret so what you think it means what it it supposed to show, analyse how do all of the different elements of the art work together to make someone looking at said art feel a certain way, explain why you think the artist did certain things, describe some of the features of the art, then last you need to say one thing that stands out to you.
the other one is just an art piece compare and contrast. To make it easy I suggest that you use a frida kahlo self portrait because that is an easy similarity.
Hope this helps! : )
He enjoys music that is more authentic and less mainstream.
Based in the passage, we can assume that Mateo dislikes pop music, so you can also assume that Mateo likes music that is less popular, thus more authentic and less mainstream.