Most brokerage firms won't let you directly fund your account with a credit card to buy and sell stocks. Instead, you'll have to fund your account in other ways, like a bank transfer, check or wire transfer.
Following the Supreme Court's decision on the AAA and NPR as unconstitutional, FDR attempted to add 2 more seats to the Supreme Court. Being there is no set number in the Constitution, FDR believed he had the right to add 2 more justices. Consequently, the additional seats would have gone to Democrats in favor of the New Deal legislation therefore overturning the blocks put into place. It was overwhelming viewed as an authoritarian move and criticize from all branches and both political parties. Being FDR would have to work within the system, he rewrote his New Deal policies to fit the standard of the Constitution and worked around the system to get his policies in place.
“Bringing a stone
grasped firmly by the top in each hand, like an old-stoned savage armed” I chose this line. This indicates that people were willing to
repair the wall. He believed that good fences made good neighbors and thus set
about mending the wall.