They were drawn into 'La Rinconada' in search of gold.
La Rinconada is a gold mining city situated in Peruvian Andes. It is situated at 16,000 feet (approx) above the sea level claiming the title of the world's highest city in the world.
The town attracts people because of the gold mine that lies in it. In fact, the people began living there because of this gold mine only. According to statistics, the city started becoming populated between 2001 and 2009.
So, the reason for many multinational corporations being drawn to the mountains of La Rinconada was because of its gold mining conditions. They drove there in search of gold.
The reason why I personally disagree with this statement is that Mark Antony's speech wasn’t very good and the crowd was just written by Shakespeare to be suddenly convinced.
if you were to remove the easily swayed audience and replace it with a more objective audience,Mark Antony's speech would not still stand up as a convincing work of rhetoric.
The reason why I personally disagree with this statement is that Mark Antony's speech wasn’t very good and the crowd was just written by Shakespeare to be suddenly convinced. So I feel if the crowd were actually normal people the story could be different they wouldn’t be definitely so .
The setting, The main character, The theme, The problem and solution. The begining, middle or end. And lastly the POV (point of view)
B. Exploring the site that used to be the Temple of Zeus was an amazing experience. My stomach filled with butterflies as we neared the gigantic pillars on the site. I stepped forward and touched one of the smooth, cool pillars. In that moment, I thought about the people who came to the shrine thousands of years ago to see the colossal statue that was housed in the temple.