Strong words:
Marred by Dust, Sweat and Blood, and Strives Valiantly
Normal words:
Credit Belongs, The man, and There is No Effort.
Active: Unknown factors delayed the 9:15 train from Pittsburgh.
Passive: The 9:15 train from Pittsburg was delayed by unknown factors.
The sentence is already active. The object of the sentence is ‘the train from Pittsburgh’ and the subject is ‘unknown factors’. The subject of the sentence performs an direct action over the object (delayed), so it is an active sentence. When we give more importance to the object of the sentence it becomes passive, as it is stated in the second sentence: The 9:15 train from Pittsburg was delayed by unknown factors.
Hyperbole is the anwser trust me
Consonance is the repetition of similar sounding consonants in a group of closely connected words. In the group of words as seen in the sentence above, there is similarity in the sounds produced by the words celery, snapped, ate, and it.
These consonant sounds can be found anywhere within a word or sentence but they follow each other in quick succession. It is a form of writing that holds the attention of readers as it makes it easier to draw the connection within words.