Brave. He is brave because faced every monster and overcome every obstacle that got in his way
Clever. He was clever when he made a plan to defeat Polyphemus. And he was clever when he put the wax in their ears to get past the siren.
Loyal. He was loyal how even tho he was faced with calypso and Circe he stayed faithful to Penelope.
I chose to make the sky a lighter hue than the deep blue of the ocean in my painting
one lives in the sea and the other lives on the land there both different snakes
he said he is loving his job
In the first paragraph of <em>A vindication of the rights of women</em>, Wollstonecraft uses antithesis when she says "that either nature has made a great difference between man and man, or that the civilization which has hitherto taken place in the world has been very partial". She does this to state the main point of her argument: that men are women are born equally but it is civilization that creates the differences between them.
She immediately states that she has read various books about education and "observed the conduct of parents and the managements of schools", and it is "the neglected education" of women the source of their misery. This is, women would be as able as men if they received the same education.