On the exterior of the cell.
The black spots as mentioned in the given case would appear on the exterior of the cell after three hours, which suggests that the proteins or the enzymes had been discharged from the pancreatic cell. The mentioned method of labeling and then chasing the component is known as a pulse-chase experiment.
In this experiment, the labeled compounds are used to follow the dynamics of cellular pathways and procedures. The molecules in a cell get produced and degraded spontaneously at various rates. These changes in the localization of the molecule and its expression levels with time can be determined by exposing or pulsing cells to a labeled compound.
After this the cells are exposed sequentially to the same compound unlabeled, the process is termed as the chase. The compounds are generally labeled with fluorescent dyes or radioisotopes.
- Complement proteins and antibodies coat a microorganism and provide binding sites, enabling macrophages and neutrophils to phagocytize the organism. This phenomenon is termed opsonization.
Opsonization occurs as a result of binding of a molecule called opsonin to the epitope of a pathogen.
Opsonization helps the immune system to select and kill the infected cells instead of targeting all the cells in general.
sympathetic stimulation
Under stress or emergency conditions, the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division release acetylcholine. Acetylcholine stimulates secretion and release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla. These hormones enhance the effects of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) during stress. Epinephrine and norepinephrine augment the fight-or-flight response as they increase the heart rate and force of contraction, the output of the heart, and blood pressure. They also increase blood supply to the heart, liver, and adipose tissue. The airways to lungs become dilated and there are increase blood levels of glucose and fatty acids.
All 13 of the chromosomes in a parent (Mom and Dad) cell transfer to the produced cell so it ends up having 23