Firstly, we can convert all of the fractions into percentages. To do this, we need to make the denominator of the fraction 100, and whatever we do to the denominator we must also do to the numerator.
5 x 20 = 100
1 x 20 = 20.
So Carl recieves 20/100 or 20% of the votes.
4 x 25 = 100
1 x 15 = 25
So Conroy receives 25/100 or 25% of the votes.
If we add these together and Gilda's 5%, we get 50%. Since there are 100% votes overall, we need to do 100 - 50 = 50.
Kyla receives 50% of the votes.
The answer is C
Step-by-step explanation:
Use the Pythagoras theorem which states that a2 = b2 + c 2
For easier understanding imagine a straight line along the x axis. At (0,0) we have Atlanta. Moving 21 units to our right we have Columbia. This is represented on the coordinate system by (21, 0). To go from Colombia to Charleston, which is located at (24, -11), we need to travel 3 units right along the x- axis to reach ‘24’ and ‘11’ units down along the y- axis to reach (24, -11). Starting from Colombia we can make an imaginary triangle with its perpendicular being the y- component and its base being the x- component, which as we have stated above is ‘-11’ and ‘3’ respectively
Now applying the Pythagoras theorem to calculate the hypothesis and hence the distance between Colombia and Charleston.
a, which represents the distance between Colombia and Charleston would be
a² = b² + c²
a² = (3)² + (-11)²
a = √[(3)² + (-11)²]
Hence the answer is C
X-int = 3
150? I think thats the anwser