difference between engineering and architecture are.
A engineer is a person whose job involves designing and building engines, machines, roads, bridges ,etc .
While architect design buildings only.
Hi, pooop! i really like your username
In programming we should use camelcase whichLooksLikeThis because the capital letters are kind of like the back of a camel
so perhaps make the variable name:
it looks like your question has multiple choice answers.. but i cant see them... so i just made up my own answer...
CodeHS is an interactive online learning platform offering computer science and programming instruction for schools and individual learners.
CodeHS is focused on spreading access to and knowledge of computer science by offering online instructional materials supported by remote tutors.
Downloading an image from a website on the internet.
- Right-click the image.
- Choose the command Save Picture As. The command might be different in browsers other than Internet Explorer.
- Use the Save Picture dialog box to find a location to save the picture. You can rename the picture as it's saved to your computer's storage system
- Click the Save button.
Download an image of Karel the dog from the URL
- Create a folder in your laptop
- Place your text file of images URL in the folder.
- cd to that folder.
- Use wget -i images.txt.
- You will find all your downloaded files in the folder.
How your computer finds the CodeHS server, requests information from the server, and receives it.
- When you enter an URL into the address bar of browser, browser will send the domain to a server call DNS to convert the domain into IP address.
- For example: google dot com will be convert into
- Next, the browser will send your request to that IP.
- All your sent data will be divided into packages, each package contains your IP address.
- That is the reason why server know who it will send the response.