'Cause I'm a island boy, and I've been tryin' to may...
Oh I'm a island boy
Ay, I'mma just island boy, I'mma just island boy
I'mma get keep that gun, I be just staring at the sun
Nummies I'll foo
Because it is need for a song to hold together
Faith's pink ribbons are example of a C. SYMBOL.
In Young Goodman Brown, Faith's pink ribbons initially symbolizes Faith's innocence.
However, as the poem progresses, the pink ribbons took up the symbol of deceit when it was found in the forest.
So, from symbolizing innocence, the Faith's pink ribbons became a symbol of deceit hidden behind an innocent facade.
Escribe en primera persona, pasado tenso (o presente si la acción realmente lo justifica), y haz de tu historia un relato personal, entrelazado con hechos, descripción y observación. Muchos escritores comienzan su pieza con una anécdota fuerte, pero breve, que introduce el sentimiento general, el tono y el punto del viaje y la historia