Elections centered on candidates and not on political parties have characteristics that make them particular and give them their own imprint. Thus, these elections are based not on general political platforms but on particular ideologies, which develop personalisms and political positions that are dangerous at times, given that they do not have the support (or responsibility) of organized groups such as political parties behind them.
In other cases, these types of elections have political parties actively participating and supporting each of the candidates, as was the case in the 2016 elections in the United States between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, but even so, the candidates end having a greater predominance than that of the political parties.
the majority of Americans think that crime is less common than it really is =false
As a member of LGBTQ+, I am constantly fighting this *cracks knuckles* here we go, bigots >:3
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it is my job and duty to say that we endure too much. Some of us have never come out in fear of rejection. Some of us have been murdered or r*aped due to us revealing our true identities. Many people have the support of parents, family, and friends. And just as many,<em> possibly even more</em>, do not. Some people may not go out with their partners in fear of being assaulted, slurred at, or having a Bible thrown at them. This is is not, never was, and never will be a choice. So just <em>why?</em> Why hate on those like you? Why hate on those who have quotidian lives just like you; people who have families just like you, people who need to shower, and eat and drink just like you?
If you believe in basic human rights, in people not being attacked by acquaintances, join me and many others in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.
sorry if it's too short; I spent <em>a lot</em> of time on this. just pls give credit UwU and may I have Brainliest? thank you :)
BEcasue she foudn the music sheet at lincolns house
a current or former spouse.
a child of a current or former spouse.
a person with whom the offender has a child or children.
a foster child or foster parent of the offender.