They could only stop her business on school ground or they could get it legally to work on school ground.But they would sue the parents and teacher for not checking with the school.
- Form a perfect Union.
- Establish Justice.
- Insure domestic tranquility.
- Provide for the common defense.
- Promote the General Welfare.
- Secure the Blessings of Liberty.
The preamble of the Constitution is an introductory statement that defines the fundamental purposes and guidelines that the Constitution would adopt.
I hope this answer helps you.
The Supreme Court of the United States.
Pursuant to the US Constitution, the Supreme Court has both original and appellate jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction implies that the Supreme Court is the first and only court entitled to hear a case. However, the Constitution limits this power and the court deals with cases involving disputes between states or controversies among ambassadors or other ministers. Appellate jurisdiction refers to the fact that the court has the authority to review judgments passed by lower courts. Frequently, the Supreme Court hears the cases that have already been decided by any US Court of Appeals.
If a person is not satisfied with a decision/ruling made by a district court, he/she may appeal such decision. The case is then reviewed by a Court of Appeals. After the appellate court has pronounced judgment, the ruling may be reviewed by the Supreme Court.
Answer: Encouraging the courts to make the right choice
Media coverage is beneficial in the sense that it can keep the American public informed on rulings that would fundamentally set the groundwork for future rulings. For example take the case of the State of Minnesota v. Derek Chauvin. This was a rare example of a police officer being punished for grave misdeeds.
Media coverage may put pressure on a court to make a right decision. However in some cases this can become problematic, swaying the jury one way or another and making them partial when they are to remain impartial.
Answer: Maconochoes system of moral reform