One of the most significant advancements in military technology during the Civil War was from inventor and engineer John Ericsson, who created the designs for a new type of naval vessel for the United States: the ironclad ship with revolving turret.
Increased border control, enlightened rulers turned against France, & the Legislative Assembly declared war on multiple states. devince used during reign of terror to execute by beheading. ... 2 house legislature & executive body.
The owner could advertise a sale and try to sell as many pairs of shoes as possible before the recession comes and prices fall even more. Then, when the recession hits a trough, the owner could use the money from this sale to expand the warehouse while costs are at their lowest point. The owner must be sure to plan for falling demand.
Positive : Payment of Poll tax was a prerequisite to the registration for voting in a number of states until 1965
Negatives: Poll tax affected poor Americans. After the right to vote was extended to all races (black people) a number of states enacted poll tax.. so basically they did that because they knew a lot of black people didn’t have money like that and didn’t want them to vote.
The correct answer is D) international security and stability.
Wilson's goal for the League of Nations was international security and stability.
After the Allied victory in World Word II, United States President Woodrow Wilson delivered a speech before Congress in which he presented his famous "14 Points Plan." This plan aimed to find good ways to establish peace and harmony in a conflictive world after the pain and suffering left by WWII.
However, the plan was not considered during the Treaty of Paris negotiations, More than peace, what countries such as France and Great Britain wanted was revenge against Germany for the destruction caused during the war.