The Following can be categorized by Exact or Uncertainly
(a)The number of eggs in a basket:Exactly
Because eggs is countable
(b)The mass of a dozen eggs:Uncertain
Because each egg can weigh differently
(c)The no of gallons of gasoline necessary to fill an automobile gas tank:Exactly
Because Volume of tank is known
(d)The number of cm in 2 m:Exactly
(e)The mass of a textbook:Exactly
(f)Time required to drive from San Francisco to Kansas city at an average speed of 53 mi/h: Uncertain
Because events like traffic and accidents might cause delay.
C)caffeine is the independent variable
Caffeine is the independent variable and word recall is the dependent variable. Word recall is dependent on the presence or absence of caffeine.
Validity is measure of how valid the research is which means it gives solid relevant result which were initially intended. It is a test of how valid both your design and method of the research is.
There are various factors that can affect validity of the research.
There are internal factors that can affect validity of the research those are the ones that occur within the study such as failure to monitor vital variables of the study or using the inaccurate instrument to gather the needed data.
Below are the factors that has an impact on internal validity.
-size of the studied population
-instruments used
-subject variability
-available time to gather data
- attrition
External validity are affected by the external factors such as the place where you conduct your research which may restrict the ability to obtain actual results . It can also be affected by the things like not being able to balance your subjects for example focusing on one gender and race eventhough your research is about all the types of people at large.
Crucial factors that affects external validity.
- The effect of time
- method use to collect data
- characteristics of the chosen population
- experiment effect
- interaction of subject selection
Probably the president because the president rules everything. yep that is obviously the answer to your question. Heh :>
Skepticism defined as the word which is used in reference to a person or the word which defines a person's questioning attitude or doubt towards putative knowledge or belief.
Skepticism occurs in the context of philosophy.
But it can be applied to any pseudoscience, politics, religion.
The person when questions beliefs based on empirical evidence or scientific understanding is called scientific or empirical skeptic.