C.) An article from a scholarly journal entitled "The impacts of testing on students ages 6-9" published in 2019
The reason that this is the correct answer is that the article is from a reliable source and it was written recently ensuring that you get updated information, as well as it is going through the exact information that you need for your research paper. If you were to choose A then it wouldn't really add anything to your research paper and it would just talk about a random teacher teaching experience, this source is neither enhancing nor reliable. If you were to choose B then it would be too outdated to be useful and or informative making the text not reliable and potentially giving you incorrect information. Next, if you were to choose D then it wouldn't be reliable since it isn't from a trustable source (Wikipedia) neither is it talking about information that is necessary for making your text more engaging
D. The person rejected his family but later returned. It is a reference to the biblical story found in Luke chapter 15.
D. look up the unfamiliar word in a dictionary to check its meaning.
Context clues will always provide hints with regard to helping readers figure out what a word or term means. However, after figuring out what a word means based upon context clues (which should only be considered the first step), what you should do is look up the word in question. This should be done so you could check your interpretation as well as help you commit the new word or term to memory.
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Answer and explanation:
<u>The final stanzas of the poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T. S. Eliot bring a sad and hard conclusion to the poem.</u> The poem as a whole is a pessimistic one. The speaker, Prufrock, is an unsatisfied man both carnally and spiritually. He is a loner, incapable of establishing relationships and connections with other human beings. He does want and wish for it. But even in his imagination, women despise him and criticize the way he looks and acts. He clearly has a self-esteem issue that, instead of being addressed and treated, only grew worse with time. Now it completely prevents him from living a normal life.
<u>The conclusion of the poem is even more pessimistic. The speaker does not believe he will ever be happy. He compares women and the happiness they represent to mermaids. As we know, in Greek mythology, mermaids would sing to sailors with the purpose of enchanting them. Sailors who heard their song would end up drowning. Prufrock thinks he will drown as well, but when reality wakes him up from the mermaid's dream. The mermaids, after all, do not sing for him. He watches himself growing older, stranger, weaker, more coward and less desirable.</u>