It was lead by the Bolshevik party was essentially a revolution against the Pre-WWI Tsarist Regime. Lenin's Bolshevik's spread the idea of communism and equality among all it's citizens which incited the lower class against the upper class and Monarchy.
The results of the Russian Civil war was the establishment of the USSR. Finland, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia were established as sovereign states of the Soviet Union, with the Communist Party in power.
Child labor is alot cheaper than paying an adult a living wage. Often the children working these jobs don't have the luxury of saying no to these jobs that pay maybe a dollar an hour.
The correcte answer is: "The Catholic Church unified different kingdoms of Europe under the umbrella of the Church."
The Church in the Middle Ages was a very powerful institution since it was a deeply religious age. That is why the Catholic Church had a great influence on society and, although there were other creeds, in the 11th century Europe was largely Christian.
Beyond the borders that separated the European kingdoms a new concept of union was born: Christianity.
A thousand years ago almost all of Western Europe began to be called Christianity, because all its kingdoms accepted the authority of the Pope and all its inhabitants professed Christianity. All Christian territories were considered a single empire and their most important figures were the Pope and the emperor. The Church was then very powerful; the bishops and abbots had large tracts of land; the clergy, who were almost the only cultured people, were in charge of educating the young, helping the poor and being the chief advisors of the kings.
George III was King of Great Britain from 1760 to 1820. He was England's longest ruler before Queen Victoria, he is most well known for being the English King during the American Revolutionary War.
Answer: The Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776) announced that the Thirteen Colonies would regard themselves as independent sovereign states, and were no longer under the British rule. The Declaration contended that <em>King George III had violated the agreement</em> between himself as a governor and the Americans as the governed. This targeted King George III as the primary reason for colonial discontent.
King George III never fully recovered from the loss of the American colonies.