This is simply known as growth, mental and physical impairments that sometimes occur in baby when a women consumes alcohol during pregnancy period.
It is said to occurs mostly in the first trimester of pregnancy as alcohol enters the blood stream, crosses the placenta to the fetuses system.
Fetal metabolism is much slower so it remove from nutrition and oxygen from reaching the baby's vital organs (brain)
The syndrome is common among 2-1.5 infants in every 1000 births. Symptoms of this syndrome includes poor memory, attention deficits, impulsive behaviors, poor reasoning skills etc. Impaired hippocampus dendrites reduced cerebellar size etc.
Dr. Azure is conducting a research in the area of psychophysics. Psychophysics is described to be a branch of psychology where it deals with the relationship of a mental phenomena and as well as the physical stimuli that Dr. Azure is doing above in the scenario.
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