<h3><u>Answer:</u></h3><h3><u>Answer:Food chain is defined as the process of energy transfer from producer by a series of organisms with repeated eating or being eaten. </u></h3><h3><u>Answer:Food chain is defined as the process of energy transfer from producer by a series of organisms with repeated eating or being eaten. Food web is defined as the interconnected network of food chains at various trophic levels. Unlike food chains, food webs are never straight</u></h3>
The olfactory cortex (nucus) of the temporal lobe is where the nerve fibers of the olfactory bulb projects directly. This cortex is where you get the smell sensation before determining what the smell actually is. The olfactory cortex is located on the medial aspect of the temporal lobe, particularly in the uncus or the piriform lobe. It is also called the Rhinoencephalon or the nose brain.
Looking at each embryo at the begining you can tell they are very similar, in fact its almost impossible to tell the difference. this tells us that they have a common ancestor because the orignal cells of the embryos are so similar