Memo No. 012
Lebanese International University Health Center, April 21, 2019.
From: Rair moona, Chief Pharmacist
For: pharmaceuticals and technicians.
Subject: Reduction of workload.
Dear collaborators,
As you know, we are close to starting the summer period, when the flow of students willing to cooperate in our activities decreases dramatically. This causes us to have an imbalance in the workload and the work that must be done. Because of this, to prevent you from being overworked, we decided to reduce your working hours from 8 am to 5 pm to 8 am - 3:30 pm from May 23 to August 22. Obviously, your tasks will also be reduced.
However, as we know that you are paid per hour worked, we decided to increase the amount paid per hour, as long as this period lasts so that none of you are harmed.
I appreciate everyone's understanding.
The feeling in Rumpelstiltskin are dark he felt lonely at times and was so pressured when celled a monster
Answer: Providing directions to the doctors office.
It means they are physician fine but mentally they feel down or a feeling of low self esteem or simply being over worked.