1. an introductory paragraph which may include an attention getting device such as:
<span>asking a question or questions;making a controversial or surprising statement;setting the scene by using a description;beginning with some conversation;starting with a short story;giving some statistics which may surprise or alarm the reader;referring to a current or historical event;using a quotation, aphorism or proverb;giving an unusual opinion.</span>
2. a topic statement in the first paragraph which clearly states the theme of the paper and the way in which it will be developed.
3. a separate paragraph in the body for each main point developed.
4. a topic sentence in each main paragraph.
5. transitional words and phrases to connect ideas within paragraphs and between paragraphs.
6. a suitable form of development such as: cause and effect, classification, comparison and contrast, description, persuasion, or process analysis;
7. A concluding paragraph which brings the theme to a close.
C - Personification.
Personification means giving human characteristics or traits to a non-human object. The trees are whispering, which only humans can do.
The both try to help the reader understand the book and cnflict
Its not a good way to describe someone as shy, most negative connotation out of all of them.