Really depends on your situation. If you specified, I'd have an asnwer
Using the t-distribution table, the critical value for a one-tailed test with 6 degrees of freedom and 0.05 significance level is 2.447
Reject the null hypothesis because the test statistic 2.045 is less than the critical value 2.447
Reduce the speed of the CPU
A Network is definitely a Tree when any of the below properties matched.
A Network is synonym for connected graph. Connected graph is a graph is a path which will connect from vertex to vertex.
A Tree is a network that has no circuit. network can be differed from tree by three key properties
1. Single path property - one path connecting two vertices
2. All bridges property - every edge of a network is a bridge
3. N-1 edges property - N vertices has N-1 edges
To determine this we use to N-1 edges property as given number of vertices and no bridges.
If a network has 15 vertices it must have 15-1= 14 edges to become a tree