C. A storm surge caused water from Lake Pontchartrain to breech the cities levees.
D. Oil from flooded refineries added toxic sludge to the storm water that covered much of the city.
The issue that caused sectionalism to develop were more geographical. It is mainly because the people in the North was growing more into an industrialized society, that is why they had industrial interest, whereas the South are more focused on their agricultural development.
This declaration informs all the people of the world that the 13 united colonies are free from British rule and any political connections with Great Britain.
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College Educated corporate workers were consistently increasing but the 1950s is the first time they made a significant proportion of Americas labour market.
The three largest galaxies in our local group are the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way, and the Triangulum Galaxy. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. Our solar system is located in the Milky Way. Hope these facts about the Milky Way help!