I think its a great idea! Hope this below helps! I'm only a ninth grader so I did my best!
- I get anxiety and just seeing a kitten helps soothe me, but I still have worry gripping at me. And when I go to the pound just to <em>pet</em> the kittens and cats my worries drift away.
- Whenever we get in fights/ whenever I have a hard time I have no one to vent too. I feel isolated and alone. Having a animal around would help me process whats <em>really</em> <em><u>real</u></em> and knowing that this animal would love me unconditionally without any fake friendliness is something I really <em>need</em> not just want.
- I will do everything myself, from brushing to stinking my school ready outfit for cleaning the litter box. I wont forget! I'll set alarms on my phone to feed him/her. to clean out the litter box. And even stick post it notes around. (Parents love post it notes for some reason)
- It wont just be fun and games ( you might want to start out with this line first) How am I going to survive in the real world if I cant even take care of a kitten! Parents are supposed to prepare you for th adult hood. How am I to be prepared if I can't even raise a tiny little animal. let me prove it to you
- But and I say this with great care. Make sure your financially stable. You dont want to finally convince your parents and then run out of money for vet bills and shots. Kitten shots are exspensive. You also have to neuter or Spay them on top of it. You might want to go for an older cat.
Antitrust laws -------a. offer protection from unlawful anticompetitive practices
Antitrust laws of protection laws are developed by the U.S government to ensure fair competition in business and avoid predatory practices.
Market power-------e. the ability to control the price of a product
Market power refers to the ability of a company to manipulate an item’s price and control its profits.
Monopoly power ------b. a market in which there is a single seller or limited number of sellers
Monopoly power describes a situation in marketing in which a single firm or company is the producer or seller of a product. It is due to lack of competition.
Restraint of trade-------c. agreement between competitors that reduces competition
Restraint of trade occurs when one firm is prevented to do competition. For example two firms agree to fix their prices so that another competitor cannot compete and is made to go out of business.
Monopoly--------d. the ability to dictate how a given market works, including prices, the entrance of competitors, and the exit of competitors
Monopoly in business occurs when one firm has total control of a market and dictates high barriers for other competitors to enter and is the price maker.
Origin stories ...................................