Outsourcing, in a general term, means getting help from an external source. In software development context, outsourcing is an alternative systems building approach that may involve subscribing to an application service provider or hiring an external vendor to design and create software. In outsourcing, a business employs the service of a third-party application developer to design and create a software.
Some reasons why companies outsource a service are;
i. Shortage or lack of experienced developer in-house.
ii. To save time. Outsourcing can help reduce time taken to develop a software application because companies tend to outsource a developer that has designed similar application(s) in the past.
iii. To reduce cost. Outsourcing can help save cost considerably.
Can be executed on multiple platforms.
A program is portable if it is not platform dependent. In other words, if the program is not tightly coupled to a particular platform, then it is said to be portable. Portable programs can run on multiple platforms without having to do much work. By platform, we essentially mean the operating system and hardware configuration of the machine's CPU.
Examples of portable programs are those written in;
i. Java
ii. C++
iii. C
La influencia de las redes sociales en la casa puede variar. Primero puede ser bueno porque podemos usar las redes sociales para ver recetas de cocina para hacer en casa. Segundo puede ser malo porque las personas de la casa podrían sufrir acoso cibernético .
public static double areaSum(Circle c1, Circle c2){
double c1Radius = c1.getRadius();
double c2Radius = c2.getRadius();
return Math.PI * (Math.pow(c1Radius, 2) + Math.pow(c2Radius, 2));
public static void main(String[] args){
Circle c1 = new Circle(6.0);
Circle c2 = new Circle(8.0);