Following major earthquake, a 15- metre tsunami disable the power supply and cooling of three Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear accident being on March 11, 2011. All three cords largely melted in the first three days.
If you pay the minimum toward your balance each month, here’s what you can expect to happen:
<span>Paying down your debt will take much longer.You’ll rack up bigger interest charges.<span>Your credit score could take a hit.
</span></span>Credit card issuers tend to set minimum payment requirements at rock-bottom levels. You’ll generally owe either a fixed amount — often $25 — or a percentage of the balance, whichever’s greater. Some cards require you to pay only 1% or 2% of the balance each month, plus any fees and accrued interest. Making these small payments on time will let you avoid late fees<span>, but you won’t make any real progress on paying down your balance.</span>
Nicholas Appert. I did a unit on him.
The Collision Regulations require every operator to keep a proper lookout, using both sight and hearing, at all times. Watch and listen for other vessels, radio communications, navigational hazards, and others involved in water activities to be aware of the situation and the risk of collision. Maintain a safe speed.