<u>Paragraph introducing myself as the merchant in the Canterbury tales:</u>
I am the merchant from the Canterbury Tales. Of course, I am sure that you can tell that from my attire consisting of this multi color cloak and beard. I am someone who is well versed in the money exchange and because of that, I have been hired by many successful businessmen in the country. I also well versed in the fields of financial and business matters to the extent where, I am present in almost all of the business meetings that takes place in the town.
It emphasizes what can be gained by following the speaker's advice.
His name was Geoffrey of Monmouth.
Geoffrey of Monmouth was a cleric born between 1095 and 1100 who is famous to this day for his influence over the Arthurian myths. Much of his life cannot be accounted for since information is scarce. We do not know precisely where he was born; some sources say he was Welsh, others say he was British. The exact year when he was born is also controversial.
Geoffrey was the author of the "History of the Kings of Britain", or Historia Regum Britanniae, which was translated into several languages. Nowadays, this work is considered unreliable. But Geoffrey's earliest work was probably the Prophecies of Merlin which, as its name reveals, contains a number of prophecies attributed to the wizard Merlin. Some say the character Merlin was created by Geoffrey himself, but Geoffrey claimed to have based him in older Brittonic traditions.
I can't provide examples from the Odyssey, but I have a vast knowledge of Greek mythology. Hope this helps!
Gods and goddesses often aid the humans or hinder them. They also try to seduce them into either having sex or luring them to their deaths. They also tend to take sides in human wars often fixing the outcome.