1. an introductory paragraph which may include an attention getting device such as:
<span>asking a question or questions;making a controversial or surprising statement;setting the scene by using a description;beginning with some conversation;starting with a short story;giving some statistics which may surprise or alarm the reader;referring to a current or historical event;using a quotation, aphorism or proverb;giving an unusual opinion.</span>
2. a topic statement in the first paragraph which clearly states the theme of the paper and the way in which it will be developed.
3. a separate paragraph in the body for each main point developed.
4. a topic sentence in each main paragraph.
5. transitional words and phrases to connect ideas within paragraphs and between paragraphs.
6. a suitable form of development such as: cause and effect, classification, comparison and contrast, description, persuasion, or process analysis;
7. A concluding paragraph which brings the theme to a close.
yes it will surely come true.
yes i will surely come true. beacuse we all know due to advancement and development of science and technology nothing has been impossible.
1) yes beacuse due to rapid development in future we can predict that all will have qualoty of live and due to this they nay live up to 100 rw above 100 years
2) yes as i alreading mentioned about the gowth of technology will lead directly lead us to have interacting with intelligent machines
3) yes beacuse even now we can found the precaution of gobal warming and with the advance of these science and knowledge we will surely be able to find the solution of gobal warming
organizing paragraphs by time. explaining how things are alike and different. explaining how problems are solved
The underlined portion of the sentence is a Dependent Clause
A dependant Clause is one that can not state by itself to have a complete idea, it depends on a Main Clause to communicate something, "When my next-door neighbor fell and broke her hip" depends on the main clause since we do not know what happened to the next-door neighbor, besides one important characteristic of many dependant clauses is that they begin with a subordinating conjunction, in this case, the word "when".
Anyone can critically evaluate a speech.