<h2>North</h2><h3> Strength </h3>
- The North had an enormous industrial advantage
- the North manufactured 97 percent of the country's firearms
- . They did not know the land the other side were fighting on the defensive in its own territory and were familiar with the landscape
- At the beginning of the war, the Confederacy had only one-ninth the industrial capacity of the Union.
- There was not even one rifle works in the entire South
<h3> Strength</h3>
- The South could produce all the food it needed
- The South also had a great nucleus of TRAINED OFFICERS. Seven of the eight military colleges in the country were in the South.
The new arrivals were often seen as unwanted competition for jobs
A voter fraud is a nonprofit working on voter registration, defines voter fraud as the “ intentional corruption of the electoral process by the voter .” It’s when a voter knowingly blows off the American principle of “one person, one vote” in an effort to influence an election.
Inspired by and following the Koran, calligraphy became the main feature of Islamic art.
The Koran, or Qur'an, is the sacred book of Islam, which according to tradition was written by prophet Muhammad between 609-632 following divine inspiration by God. The Korean establishes that there's only one God, and that he is indivisible. This idea of the oneness of God is known as the tawhid, and it's the single most important principle of Islam. Following this concept, Islam forbids any and all representations of God or Muhammad, because creating an image of any of them could lead to idolatry, which runs contrary to the principle of the oneness of God. This led Islamic artists to focus on calligraphy as a form of art. From the beginning, the first versions of the Koran were written in highly stylized Arabic calligraphy. Soon this style spread, and Islamic art became renowned for its intricate calligraphy in paintings, pottery, architecture, and many more.