Just letting you know, I got this answer from the internet.
1) hunter-gathering tribes
2) small towns and nomadic groups
3) city-states and small kingdoms
4) empires
5) nation-states
Everything tbh. But they can't and can at the same time. See the dilema here is that for the goverment if there were not any problems concerning animals and such then people would start become more problamatic towards the goverment about things they dont want to disscus. the goverment is weird and sneaky like that. We dont know what is real and what is not.
Answer: Battle of Stalingrad Period is
August 23, 1942 – February 2, 1943
hope this helps
1. Do nothing
2. Use diplomatic measures
3. Approach Castro
4. Invade Cuba
5. Launch an air strike
6. Impose naval blockade