id say that safe/connected roads and missionaries helped spread it
1.roads were alot less prone to thieves and stuff making it easier for people to travel from place to place to spread ideas
2.missionaries were a big part in spreading religion because they went to talk to people and draw them to christianity
A demagogue/irrational thought
The Founding Fathers feared that the country would be lead by a demagogue. A demagogue is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument. They feared "tyranny of the minority".
La Independencia Centroamericana tuvo lugar el 15 de septiembre de 1821.
El movimiento independentista centroamericano tomó como modelo la independencia de los Estados Unidos, así como la Revolución Francesa, que eliminó la desigualdad y el privilegio, y estuvo influida por las ideas del reformismo ilustrado español y la ilustración racionalista europea.
Así, la ideología liberal y democrática de los principales impulsores independentistas ha creado en la sociedad de Costa Rica un sentimiento de necesidad imperiosa de transparencia y democracia respecto de las instituciones públicas, así como también un rechazo natural sobre toda falta de estas características en las instituciones o los políticos del país.
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The decisions they make later apply to every similar situation everywhere in the country. For example, there was a case in which students wanted to wear armbands protesting the war, but the school said that was disruptive. The Supreme Court sided with the student, and said they had a right to free speech as long as it wasn’t causing a material interruption. This case would later be the example on how to solve many cases regarding student’s freedom of speech.