C. Past; third person-omniscient.
The short story "Born Worker" by Gary Sato tells the story of a young boy's life of a working family. The story particularly tells the story of how Jose was taken advantage of by his cousin Arnie who did nothing while Jose did all the work.
The story is written or told in the past tense, with the use of the words such as "was", "told", "did", all signifying actions of the past. and the narration was done in the third-person omniscient point of view. In this point of view, the narrator is someone who has access to the feelings and emotions of all the characters of the story. It does not focus only on the mind of one person, but rather all of the other characters and is not part of the story. He is not a character in the story, but rather just a narrator.
Thus, the correct answer is option C.
A. Setting
B. deux ex machina
C. Satire
D. Etymology
E. Characterization
Setting does not only refer to the place where the story or event occurred, it also refers to the time period and sometimes the mood as well. It helps to establish the circumstances in which the event had occurred. It also support reasons to as to why events unfolded the way they did.
Deux ex machina means "god from the machine", coined by the Greeks. As a literary device, it is when a character or an event is introduced to resolve the conflict of the story, when the story seems unsolvable. People debate whether this is a good literary device, as it seems like a last-ditch attempt of the writer to bring out a happy ending. Although, this device works well as a comedic twist.
Satire is a literary device that highlights the faults, short-comings, or vices of humans. The intent of the use of this literary device is to shame individuals or groups, by ridiculing their follies, as an attempt to improve them.
Etymology is the study of the history of words and how it has changed over time. It studies how words were derived or where they were derived from, tracing it back to the earliest period it was first used or when it occurred first.
Characterization is a literary deviced used to introduce a character. The author could directly describe the character as an introduction, describing their physical features and demeanor. The characters can also be described through the perspective of the character themselves, or even through other characters or interactions within the story.
Moroccan rugs
They are woven rugs made by the indenginous people of Morrocco.
I would want to be Sam
Because he's a loyal friend.
Goldilocks went to the Bears' house yesterday.
I'm going to tidy my room tomorrow.
I saw Sally today.
I will call you later.
I have to leave now.
A subordinating conjunction is a word or phrase that links a dependent clause to an independent clause. ... A dependent clause, also known as a subordinate clause, is a clause with two specific qualities.