biggest and coldest
You're looking for adjectives, right? Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns so as "A free country" or "The sleepless city". So in "Alaska is the biggest and coldest state in the country.", the answers are biggest and coldest. Thanks!!
A metaphor- it compares two things without using "as" or "like"
It could have been caused due to the discrimination and stereo type upon immigrants.
This shows the rude and discriminating nature about the people in that time.
In your introduction, you have to clearly identifiy the experience you are about to relate?
<em>"Sixteen"</em> by Maureen Daly is a short story that explores the theme of teenage life. Teenage period is a period which brings confusion, which is evident in the main character, a sixteen-year-old girl. She is an average teenage girl that follows the latest styles, reads the editorials and listens to the radio. However, she faces certain struggles and is not sure whether to follow her heart or reason. This is certainly an issue that many teenagers go through, as at this point in life, it is very hard to make decisions. Therefore, from the very title of the story, we can guess what it is about. The title indicates that a character from the story (probably the protagonist) is sixteen years old. In this way, the narrator gives us a clue that the story is centered around different struggles that he/she faces at this age.