Methinks already from this chemic flame, I see a city of more precious mould: Rich as the town which gives the Indies name, With silver paved, and all divine with gold.
THE First one say four and half and half of 4 is two
the second one say two and half number 2 dont have half
Hi Amy,
I am also very happy to hear that.Go to Effiel Tower in Paris , France.
You can make pictures. You can bring sandwiches, Pizzas , burgers and fries.
And don't forget healthy food. Salad and fruits.
See you soon.
Your name
The sentence that correctly includes a restrictive phrase is:
A. Everyone crowded around the ball player who hit the winning run.
A restrictive clause is a relative clause that provides essential information about a noun or noun phrase, limiting it. It can also be called defining relative clause. A restrictive clause is not set off by commas. The option that has information about the ball player that is not set off by commas is:
A. Everyone crowded around the ball player who hit the winning run.
When we have a restrictive clause removed, the sentence loses part of its meaning. If we remove "who hit the winning run," the rest of the sentence could be referring to any ball player. Therefore, this information is crucial because it specifies to which ball player we refer.
Note: Option B does not have commas as well, but it uses the conjunction "because", which does not form a restrictive clause.