What aspects of Roman government do we still use in our society today?
What styles of Roman architecture and art inspired the European Renaissance?
Was Julius Caesar a Roman hero or villain?
Was it right for Rome to become an empire rather than a republic?
What advancements did the Romans make in science and mathematics?
What advancements did the Romans make in warfare?
How to the Romans compare to the ancient Greeks?
B. Arab Spring
The Arab Spring started in 2010 in Tunisia.
From Tunisia, it spread to the rest of the Arab world by 2011.
Most of the protestors were young people who demanded government changes.
In some countries, the Arab Spring was successful. In Tunisia, the former president resigned after more than two decades in power, and the country became a democracy. The same happened in Algeria.
In other countries, the Arab Spring only led to minor changes (Bahrain, Jordan), in Egypt, the government was overthrown but replaced by a new regime, and in Libya and Syria, the protests escalated and became civil wars.
three German people wanted a strong leader to end economic woes.
the germans economy had to deal with the unconditional surender of WWI everyone was poor, hungry, and depresed as a nation. Hitler gave people confindence and sence of worth. bribeing and manipulating people with good such as a bicycle or good food. do this mean thing and you will get rewarded not only do you feel good about your self but you are getting comended for it. this especially influenced youngsters who wanted more out of life and wanted to feel important. which started youth groups and kids reporting their parents to the goverment and even having them executed. so yes they wanted a leader who would make them feel better but he did, in a sadistic sick way.