The effects of the three Punic wars was death of several Carthaginians,decline of the Carthaginian civilization and its written history, and the rise of Rome as the sole power in control of the city of Sicily, Mediterranean region and trade. The main cause of the Punic war was control of the city of Sicily between the Carthaginians and the Romans. The second battle was fought because of desire by Carthaginian king to revenge the failures of his father. The third Punic was was fought to resist unrealistic demands by the Romans such as handing over all Carthaginian technology and children hostages.
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Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were arguably the two most important leaders during the American Civil Rights Movement. Although both were dedicated to ending racial discrimination towards African Americans and achieving racial freedom, the two appeared to differ significantly in their ideology and tactics.
Aims: Martin Luther King was an integrationist, whose main aim was to bring about racial equality through both races mixing and working together. However, Malcolm X was a black nationalist with a firm belief in black supremacy. Although he also wanted civil rights, he championed black superiority over whites and wanted the races to be distinctly separated, as he remained suspicious of white people and believed that African Americans should only seek to help one another.
Tactics: The issue of how to achieve their goals also differed. To achieve racial equality, Martin Luther King believed non-violent resistance was the key to ending all violence and racial hatred, in order to eventually achieve equality between races. These non-violent tactics were evident during peaceful protests such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955. Malcolm X on the other hand, believed that non-violent methods were too slow to achieve progress and signified weakness. He strongly believed in black pride and that African Americans should achieve their goals “by any means necessary”, advocating black militancy both as a form of self-defence and defiance against white aggression.
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It eliminated the need for the United States to only work with other democracies throughout the world.
It proved that the United States was willing to work with nations with various political ideologies.
the answer is b. this is the purpose of the term, "checks & balances." meaning, it depends on congress vote.
Congress, has to vote on this to approve or not..majority of votes rules. our government depends on this process to pass a new bill or not., if there is no unanimous vote, then it goes 2 the supreme court who will in turn, vote on a final decision.
17 d because laissez faire is no or very little govt regulation in the economy and business 18 not sure I would go with a or d