Respuesta:Presentan una gran variedad de peligros, estos dependen de que tipo sean los residuos contaminantes, ya que varían en muchas características como los tóxicos, patogénicos, etc.
Como se puede observar existen muchos tipos de basuras y con diferentes características diferentes que llegan a variar por su peligrosidad u toxicidad.
The correct answer is- activation synthesis theory
The activation-synthesis theory tells us about the role of neuron in dream production during sleep. It was first proposed in 1977 by Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley which was psychiatrists at Harvard University.
This theory says that in REM sleep some neurons in the lower brains for example in the brain stem randomly activates due to change in neural signals and dream occurs when the cerebral cortex tries to interpret the meaning of these neuron signal changes.
So the correct answer to this question is- activation-synthesis theory.
Meiosis is a type of cell division which occurs in gonades to produce gametes.After meiosis number of chromosomes become half.
the answer is D) DNA and RNA