C. winter solstice because if the North is having summer, the south would be having the opposite due to the direction the earth is tilted in orbit
variation in the relative frequency of different genotypes in a small population, owing to the chance disappearance of particular genes as individuals die or do not reproduce.
decomposer decomposes :) so it breaks down the organic matter into simpler compounds. it's very important process because complex compounds that build living organisms are not absorbable for other organisms, thus chemical cycling wouldn't be possible and the whole ecosystem would shut down. dead plants and animals would be everywhere and new organisms couldn't be born/grown. mold breaks down dead organic matter like dead trees. as the result simple compounds come into existence and can be assimilated by plants
Protons: positive
neutrons: no charge
electrons: negative
The purpose of beach nourishment is
B. to replenish sand on a beach
A. to mitigate beach erosion for a period of time
Beach nourishment is the process of placing additional sediment on a beach or in the nearshore. A wider and higher beach can give storm protection for coastal structures, create new habitates, and strengthen the beach for recreation.