Pourquoi means why. Je suis is passe compose in etre. Une pomme de terre means potato. You NEED a verb.(Ex. Je suis couper le pomme de terre.) I cut the potato. Plus you need to know when to use passe compse avoir and etre. As well as Imparfait if you are talking about the past. Trust me I am in french 3.
Bonjour !
Select the possessive adjective that completes the following sentence:
Mes livres sont aussi bien rangés que les tiens.
D. les tiens
« il est » is used to mean "it is" if the it in question is a specific adjective. since the statement is not directed at a specific person, « c'est » should be used instead. for example, « jean, il est mauvais de trop dormir ! » is correct, because we are speaking to jean directly. in this case, we're talking about it generally being bad to sleep too much. the correct sentence would be « c'est mauvais de trop dormir »
Il y <u>a </u>beaucoup d'animaux à la ferme.