What was Jefferson's vision of America?
Jefferson's vision for the United States was that it would become an agrarian nation, composed of white yeoman farmers who owned their own lands. He viewed European societies, especially Great Britain, as corrupt, controlled by moneyed interests and afflicted with the problems that he saw as endemic in urban settings
What did Thomas Jefferson believe in government?
Thomas Jefferson believed strongly in religious freedom and the separation of church and state. While President, Jefferson was accused of being a non-believer and an atheist.
I Believe the answer is: Personal records
Personal record revers to a form of primary source which information is derived from the observation or the experiments that being done by the source writers themselves. In most cases, personal records are created by experts on the relevant fields.
The separation of the Christian church into western and Eastern was quite anticipated on the basis of these conflicts:
-Disagreements between churches. Churches could not find agreement either in rites, in politics or in culture.
-Disagreements in politics. The main problem of the conflict on the political ground was the antagonism between emperors of Byzantium and the Roman Paami.
-Disagreement in culture. The main problem in the cultural sphere was the difference between languages. So, in the east the main language was Greek, and in the West-Latin. In other words, to read each other's literature, people were looking for translations, otherwise,they were fond of different books.