From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph.(Some words will not be used)
lackey, denigrate, lament, anachronism nemesis, defunct, humane.
anachronism; lamented; denigrated; nemesis; lackeys.
The elderly Carl knew that he was an anachronism among the young programmers working in his office. Each time he struggled to send a simple e-mail message, he lamented the death of the typewriter-and-telephone era in which he had spent most of his career. Bitter that the end of his own usefulness approached, Carl often denigrated the young programmers for having no concept of how to use their own brains -- not calculators -- to solve equations or analyze data. Technology had become the programmers' nemesis, he felt, and had turned him into a dinosaur. Sometimes the young manager and his lackeys mused at Carl's outdated experience with punch cards and mainframes, and it fueled Carl's resentment. He couldn't wait to retire.