Sadly you didn't give us anything to answer. but I imagine a line where they share a moment, or talk.
The Debate Commission declined to reschedule the second debate over President Trump's refusal to agree to a virtual debate session over fears of his co ro navirus diagnosis.
Right after President Donald Trump tested positive for CO VID-19, he was put on self-quarantine. But days later, the President's physician, Navy Cmdr. Dr. Se an Co nley gave him the all-clear to continue with his campaign.
The second Presidential debate that was scheduled to be held in Miami was canceled after Trump refused to do a virtual debate. The issue was because of the fears of his positive diagnosis, the Commission decided to do a virtual debate for the second debate to keep everyone safe. While Joe Biden's camp agreed to do the virtual debate, President Trump's side refused, questioning why there is the need to do it online when the President is cleared as safe.
So, the Commission was left with no option except cancel the debate instead of rescheduling it. As Kate Bedingfield, Biden's campaign spokesperson stated, <em>"Donald Trump doesn't make the debate schedule; the debate commission does."
3 hours
According to the internet
Transitions help you to keep moving forward in the story and moving from one thing to the next without confusion.
Positive= extraordinary
negative= outlandish, strange, unusual
(imagine what you would say if you're complimenting someone)