Like earth, venus does not have any major faults or folds or rift valleys ridges on its surface thus it does not have any global tectonic or plates of rock in rotation.
Being a terrestrial planet, the seismic data collected from the moment of inertia and possible due to the planet plates are too rigid to move but the phases of volcanoes have been found in the craters in addition mountains, and valleys are commonly found on rocky lands points out to some degree of tectonics present under the planet.
Also, the size and structure of the plan tell about its core, mantle and crustal zones. Also, venus is supported to have a magnetic field not as strong as the earth which is induced by the ionosphere and Solar Winds.
Indian subcontinent was the source of major religions including Hinduism, Jainism Buddhism and Sikhism. We have listed below the religions with the most followers in order: (1) Christianity: About 2.3 billion followers. About 50% of Christians are Roman Catholics.