a subject and a verb that are plural must still agree
Explanation: it allows the audience to engage with more than just the speaker
The answer will be b microphone
Tell me if I am wrong if I am wrong sorry
I believe that the best answer for this question is the Nez Perce War. The War broke out when the U.S. Army pursued 750 Nez Perce, led by Chief Joseph, who were fleeing away from Idaho and towards freedom. The Nez Perce outfought their opponents, but eventually, Joseph formally surrendered. After the war ended, the Nez Perce were shuttled to prisoner of war camps for eight months. Chief Joseph went to see the President to plead his case. Hope this helps.
Thanks to the word
that says thanks!
Thanks to thanks,
5. that melts
iron and snow!
The world is a threatening place
10. makes the rounds
from one pair of lips to another,
soft as a bright
and sweet as a petal of sugar,
15. filling the mouth with its sound
or else a mumbled
Life becomes human again:
it's no longer an open window.
20. A bit of brightness
strikes into the forest,
and we can sing again beneath the leaves.
Thanks, you're the medicine we take
to save us from
25. the bite of scorn.
Your light brightens the altar of harshness.
Or maybe
a tapestry
30. to far distant peoples.
fan out
into the wilds,
and in that jungle
35 of strangers,
rings out
while the hustling train
changes countries,
40. sweeping away borders,
then spasiboo
clinging to pointy
volcanoes, to fire and freezing cold,
or danke,o yes! and gracias,o and
45. the world turns into a table: