A possessive pronoun can be used as a direct object and as an indirect object. It can never be used as an object of preposition. Take the following sentence for example: She gifted her daughter a car. Her is a possessive pronoun, and her daughter is the indirect object of the verb gifted. Another example: He ate his breakfast quickly. He is the possessive pronoun, and his breakfast is the direct object of the verb ate.
"Oil spills affect water in a variety of ways. When oil is released into water, it does not blend with the water. Oil floats on the surface of salt and fresh water. Over a very short period of time, the oil spreads out into a very thin layer across the surface of the water. This layer, called a slick, expands until the oil layer is extremely thin. It then thins even more. This layer is called a sheen and is usually less than 0.01 mm thick."
<em>The boy has a ball. Perhaps he has been keeping it for a long time. He must have developed a lot of attachment and love with the ball but Suddenly while he was playing, the ball bounced down the street. And after a few bounces, it fell down into the harbour. It is lost forever. The boy stands there shocked and fixed to the ground. He constantly goes on staring at the spot where his ball fell down into the water.
Outwardly, the loss seems to be quite small. The boy seems to be making a fuss over the loss. Many boys have lost such balls and will lose so in future. A new ball can be easily bought in a dime. The metaphor of the lost ball is beautifully linked to the loss of sweet childhood.
No amount of money can buy the ball back that has been lost forever. Similarly, no worldly wealth can buy back the lost childhood. The poet doesn’t want to sermonise on this issue. The boy himself has to learn epistemology or the nature of the loss. He has to move ahead in life forgetting all the losses he has suffered in the past.</em>
Answer: C. Squealer's speech mocks the obvious lies of political propaganda.
A satire mocks or makes fun of different aspects of social behavior. Option C is the best option because it is the only one that actually follows the definition of making fun of an aspect of society. The political propaganda being spewed by Squealer shows how the politicians twist and turn things into lies to convince the public to take action for or against something.