The Bill of Rights is the historical document that upholds these important principles.
Menes, sometimes known as Narmer, became the first pharaoh. He set up his new capital of the united Egypt in the city of Memphis in Lower Egypt.
Lots of people would not have the care they need for illnesses and diseases. A Republican president would have appointed conservatives to the Supreme Court. Roe vs Wade would be overturned by now. Voting rights would have been taken out from minorities. A large amount of veterans would still be fighting in Iraq.
The keystone would be working. Clean air would be harder to be sure of because major corporations would have few watchdogs. No "equal rights or pay for Women" law would have been signed. Industrial accidents would be no big deal. Corporations would pay a big amount and that would probably be all.
Hope this helps!
The last of these emperors, Marcus Aurelius, was the final emperor of the Pax Romana. His reign was followed by the disastrous reign of his brutal son Commodus (160-192 C.E.). By this time, the Empire was struggling to hold off attacking tribes on the frontiers.
Soviet Central Asia alludes to the area of Central Asia in the past constrained by the Soviet Union, just as the period of Soviet organization (1918–1991). Focal Asian SSRs announced freedom in 1991. Regarding territory, it is almost synonymous with Russian Turkestan, the name for the area during the Russian Empire.
Focal Asia is an area in the Asian mainland that stretches out from the mountains of western China to the shores of the Sea Caspian. Pakistan and Iran make the southern fringe of the district, and the immense breadth of Russia is toward the north.