Hostile indians, starvation, poor leadership and government
D I'm not as sure about this question I'm just guessing
During Reconstruction, groups such as the Ku Klux Klan...
used violence to prevent freed people from voting.
To pay reparations after World War I, Germany printed more money.
After the end of World War I in November 1918, France and Great Britain imposed on the defeated Germany the payment of war reparations for the destruction caused during the conflict.
The German government issued paper money to pay the reparations of war, calling Papiermark to these new issues. Due to the emergencies arising from the conflict, the Papiermark lacked of gold backing and was not convertible into this precious metal, which was an unusual situation for the time, where the gold standard scheme required all the paper money issues of a country were backed by gold, precisely to guarantee its value. As a result of this situation, Germany entered into a period of hyperinflation.